Mosaic Notes- February 2020
Thank you to everyone who braved the weather and came to the meeting this week. We had a great turn out and the leaf pieces were all so pretty and the variety of subjects, colors and materials was wonderful. I hope that we have a few more leaf pieces coming in before we hang them at the Red Wing show.
The following are the items that we discussed and decisions that were made.
Bloomington Art Submission- We have submitted several times and so far not been accepted. We have some past material that has been submitted (photos and verbal information) but we would need to have an updated submission if we want to pursue this venue again. Kristin said that she had an interest in possibly heading this up. Kristin will let the group know if she wants pictures of member’s current art and in what format she needs them.
If anyone else has an interest in this or any other art submission please let the group know.
Hosting a meeting-
I brought this subject up to see if there were ways that we could encourage more people to host a meeting. We have a few members that have held meetings multiple times and we really appreciate that but would like to have broader participation.
I asked if cohosting with another member would be an incentive. The cohost could be responsible for some of the food and beverages. Another thought is to allow a budget for food and wine if you are the host. The amount of $30 was discussed. In the past the only event that was subsidized by the Guild was the pot luck dinner.
I look forward to any additional ideas or comments. I think that we should make a decision on this at the November meeting. While I am on the subject of the November meeting I want to remind you that we do not have a place to go.
Laura Lee has volunteered, as has Shelley. They have both had multiple meetings at their homes and Shelley has the September meeting already scheduled.
If we need to we could skip the September meeting and have the November meeting at Shelley’s home.
Kelly Holzer has offered her home for the Pot luck in December. Thank you Kelly.
News on Red Wing show- Shelley has been working on this and we have 19 members that plan on participating. If you were not at the meeting but want to participate please contact Shelley.
Leaf squares- I think we had 13 Wednesday night and we have two more coming.
As I said earlier they were really beautiful. Kristin if you could get the picture you took to Maria maybe she can add it to our blog site. These will be hung at the Red wing show.
Letters to mosaic- Liz Taras brought the letters that we will mosaic, mount on boards and use at our shows. Her husband made the letters to spell out minnesota mosaic guild. They look great! The letters are about 10” high. There are five letters that have not been spoken for. Let me know if you want one of them to mosaic. Letters are due on June 10th. Bring them to the meeting at Mimi’s home. We decided to mosaic the front side of the letter and to use black gesso on the edges. We will probably mount them on three boards that have been painted black.
Ceramic Flower Challenge- Amy Leyden had a ceramic flower piece that she donated to the guild. Shawn deconstructed it and brought the pieces to be used in a mosaic. Several members are doing this challenge and hopefully will have them at the April meeting at Lisa Vitkus home.
Miscellaneous Discussion-
1) Amy had expressed some interest in looking into a web site for the Guild.
2) We discussed having a summer get together. Possibly a picnic or a day to mosaic as a group.
Meetings For the rest of 2020
April 8th- Lisa Vitkus has again volunteered to have the meeting at her home. Bring your flower mosaic. Liz Taras said that her husband has volunteered to do the letters and the idea is that we can each take one or two letters and mosaic them in our style with a variety of colors and materials. We can mount each word on one rectangular board for ease of hanging at a show. Note- We received these letters already.
June 10th- Mimi Leminh has again volunteered to have the meeting. We will bring completed letters to this meeting. Bring your best ideas and tips for creating mosaics to share. If you have found good resources, tools or products be ready to share them with us. Sharing this information can be so helpful, especially to those who are new to mosaics. The challenge (over the summer) is to make a Steam Punk mosaic. You may have to google this, I know I will.
September 9th- Shelley Beaumont has again volunteered to have the meeting. Bring your Steam Punk mosaic. We will be finalizing details for the Red Wing show.
November 11th- Planning Meeting .Need a location
December- Potluck. Kelly Holzer
As always, bring any mosaics that you are working on or have completed to any of our meetings. We love to be inspired.