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2016 April Minutes

Our November meeting will be hosted by Rebeca Carroll.

Susan Mathis has a conflict so Rebeca has offered her home. We will have the address and details closer to the November date. The meeting falls on the ninth and it is our planning meeting for 2017.

Airport Opportunity- Susan Mathis has made me aware of an opportunity at The Mpls. /St. Paul airport. The submission would be due by May first and the consensus was that there would not be enough time to get an entry together. We will be passing on this.

There was discussion and subsequent emails from Rebecca Campbell to join CMA. This allows each artist to post whatever photos they want on that site. This would be a good source for someone to draw pictures from for a submission on short notice. The information that is usually asked for when we apply to be in a show is: the title of the art, the artists name, the size of the piece, what materials were used and when it was created. Sometimes we need to give the price that the piece is selling for. Hopefully we could just send out a mass email before a submission and ask people to consent to us using any of the photos they have put on the CMA site. I have not explored this yet so I do not have any personal information but Rebecca has sent out the invitation so please check it out at your earliest convenience.

Bridging Event- at the Solar arts Building in Mpls. July 19th. We have members that will be participating in the event. To learn more go to If you want to be an artist in this event the contact person is Sarah Crumrine.

The June meeting is at Janine Irisarri’s home and we are bringing a photo of a mosaic that can be made into a card. Several people who have had cards made will share their knowledge. Also if members have any tips for taking photos of a mosaic this would be a great time to share those insights. We will discuss offering cards of our mosaics to gift shops. Maybe Hudson Hospital while our show is displayed in 2017.

Sept.- Amy Leyden’s home. Bring a patriotic themed mosaic. We will make trading cards that we can trade with guild members. More info to follow.

Maria Durnbaugh is our treasurer. She has taken on this responsibility from Danette. Thank you Maria for taking this on and thank you to Danette for all the years that you had this job. Our current balance is $1,614.24.

Metro State University show- drop off of art Oct. 22nd. We just have a one hour window to do this. As it stands now that appears to be 10:00 to 11:00. Please plan for this tight schedule. Maria, Kelly and Rebecca Campbell have volunteered to work with a faculty member and some interns to hang the show. The reception is Oct. 27th from 5:00 to 7:30 and the show runs to December 2nd. We anticipate that each member can hang one piece of art. I will try to get over to the space so that I have a better idea of how much area we have to work with.

Title is Becoming Whole: In Pieces

We had a good turn out and a fun swap of materials. Just a note that someone left a nice plastic tote. I can hang on to it but let me know who I need to return it to. Thank you all who came and participated.

Regards all,


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